Alexander Martinez-Marchese's Home Page

Miscellaneous artwork

Below is some of my artwork. I had to scan some of the paintings/drawings in two parts and then join them; that’s why there is a line in some of them. If some of these paintings/drawings are familiar that's because they are based on photographs from National Geographic.

This one is a copy of a photograph of an iceberg:

This is a copy of a prehistoric drawing of a bison in Lascaux:

This is an outline of an eagle from a picture on a plastic sheet on top of an abstract painting of an eagle:

This is a pencil and crayon drawing:

This is a picture of Simonopetra monastery in Greece. I glued the picture to a big piece of paper and painted around the picture so that the picture looked like part of the painting:

Here’s something I came up with while trying to visualize what a checkerboard pattern could look like if it was drawn on a dimpled surface. It’s not really what it could look like but I liked the effect. If you have a name for it e-mail me.

This is a 15 by 21 cm oil painting:

This is a charcoal drawing called Non-duality: